How I Would Fix Epcot: Part 2

Back in September, I started a 2 part series called How I Would Fix Epcot. It was a series that was aptly titled because I went into detail as to how I would fix Epcot. The name really is all in the title. In Part 1, I took a look at Future World and how perfect it would be if the higher ups at Disney World gave the park to me. And then three months went by, and many thought that the series would not be completed.

Fear not, as like a phoenix from the ashes, How I Would Fix Epcot will be concluded.

For those who are unfamiliar with the current map of World Showcase, here is the layout. And yes, I used the same map from last time, as it encompasses everything really well.

World Showcase is very good, but there is a tiny bit of work that needs to be done. More specifically, my issue is what is in the pavilions, or should I say, what is not in the pavilions. Before I get started, yes, I will be adding countries. However, to go with traditional Disney vision, The American Adventure will remain in the center. Which countries am I adding? You'll have to wait to find out.

Mexico: Remains as is

Sorry if this is not the exciting start you were looking for, but Mexico is my favorite pavilion at World Showcase. Therefore, I will be changing virtually nothing when it comes to the Mexican temple. San Angel Inn needs some work when it comes to the food, but that is out of my control. The fact that the Gran Fiesta Tour goes through the actual restaurant? Pure bliss. Sure, the ride may be a little short, but there is only so much space in that temple. There's no way that ride can be longer without rebuilding the entire temple. The only thing I would do is up the lights inside there. It is very dark when you eat at San Angel Inn. Next time I dine there, I would like to see my enchiladas. Apart from that, Mexico is, how do I say it, perfección.

Norway: Bring Back the Maelstrom

Norway is probably the pavilion that means the most to me. The restaurants, for the most part, are actually pretty good. I would leave them as is. Even the shops in Norway are some of my favorites in all of World Showcase. The ride, however, needs some work.

Frozen Ever After is not a bad ride. It is actually a very good ride. Giving guests the ability to ride with Anna and Elsa throughout their adventures is a cash cow for Disney, and it guarantees long lines every time. However, that ride has Fantasyland in Magic Kingdom, not Norway in Epcot. World Showcase is about experiencing the culture of each country, not capitalizing on a movie that so happens to take part in said country. Just because the only thing most people think of when they hear Norway is Frozen does not make it suitable for World Showcase. One can bring up the argument about why Gran Fiesta Tour would stay and Frozen would go. Gran Fiesta Tour at least takes you through Mexico and learning about what happens in Mexico. Last time I checked, Arendelle is not reminiscent of day to day Norwegian life.

The Maelstrom, the predecessor to Frozen Ever After, did in fact go into the history of Norway and the myths that made it special. That, to me, means more to Epcot. Rides like Maelstrom made Epcot my favorite park. Let's bring that spirit back. If Epcot truly is an educational park, the pavilions should educate the guests. Maelstrom did just that, and it was a really fun boat ride at that.

China: Add a Buffet Restaurant

Fun fact: This is actually my favorite picture that I have seen online when it comes to World Showcase. Major props to Theme Park Tourists for this photo. It is absolutely unreal.

China did just recently get an update to their show, as Reflections of China was replaced with Wondrous China. I have not seen Wondrous China yet, but I cannot imagine that it is such a difference from Reflections of China that it needs to go. With that said, I would love seats in that theater. A planetarium like show in China would be really cool, the more I think of it.

What would be a nice addition to the China pavilion would be the addition of a buffet restaurant. Now, I know what you're thinking. With Akershus in Norway and Biergarten in Germany, why would there be a need for three buffet restaurants in World Showcase? Well, that will be fixed soon. Besides, a Chinese buffet would be easily the new must have dinner reservation at World Showcase. China's dining options go from one of the weakest in World Showcase to the strongest with this addition.

Russia: Restaurant and a ride to start

See? Told you that the buffet at 3 pavilions in a row would end.

Russia. So many pieces would have to be in motion for this to actually happen. There are actually multiple reasons why Russia would be perfect in this location. To start, it will bridge an Asian portion of World Showcase to a European portion, much like Russia does in real life. Also, Russia would need a lot of space to actually work, and the most space in World Showcase is between China and Germany. Hence, Russia is perfect for this location.

What would actually be included in a Russia pavilion? For starters, it would be a slow moving ride of some kind. What type of ride is still up in the air, but I would try to do some sort of tour of the Kremlin. That would be incredible to see the inside of Russia's most famous palace. On top of that, it is not an Epcot World Showcase pavilion without some kind of restaurant. A Russian restaurant is one of the only types of cuisine that's missing from World Showcase. This pavilion can give the best of something to everybody: a great ride, an amazing atmosphere, and a different restaurant to add to World Showcase's already impressive lineup.

Germany: Build the Rhine River Cruise and Fix Biergarten

Germany was one of the easiest pavilions to fix for me. Everything seems so well done there. I fancy the caramel apples at Karamell Kuche nearly every single trip. With that said, as good as Germany already is, the pavilion just seems empty.

Back during Epcot's planning phases, the original plan for this area of the park was for there to be a cruise along the Rhine River. That's why there are two entrances to Biergarten. The one on the right was supposed to be the queue for the cruise ride, while the left was the original entrance to the restaurant. Funny enough, both of those are what I would fix about Germany.

Nowadays, boat rides are more common than ever in the Disney parks.  The Rhine River Cruise may not need to be as elaborate as it needs to be, but a boat ride the size of Gran Fiesta Tour would fit nicely in Germany. It would not take up too much space, and Disney would not have to alter the layout of the pavilion beyond belief. However, with that said, Biergarten would need to be altered. I still think that there would be enough space to do a dinner show, but there is no need for a buffet. Instead, I would make Biergarten similar to Hoop Dee Doo Revue, with family style food portions instead of the buffet. This style of eating has gotten rave reviews during the COVID pandemic, and it would not shock me to see more of these pop up around WDW.

Italy: A Gladiator-like Stage Show in the Roman Coliseum

Going from the easiest pavilion to alter to one of the toughest, Italy has always been in a state of flux for Disney. Every time I go to Epcot, it seems like there is always something greater planned for the area. I hope that each time it is either a stage show or a ride that is coming, only to be disappointed to go and find out that one of the buildings needs painting.

A stage show would be perfect for the area of the park. Something along the lines of Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular would actually work really well, I believe. I don't know how many of my readers have seen the movie Gladiator, but the final battle scene between Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix is one of my personal favorites. Seeing a battle like this in the Coliseum would be unreal and add another dimension to Italy. If that is too big to add to the area, a simple outdoor show based on San Marco Square would also work just as well. 

The American Adventure: Remains as is

America, spread your golden wings, sail on freedom's wind, across the skyyyyyyy!

Sorry, that song gets caught in my head every time I think of the American Adventure pavilion. There's actually a few reasons why I would like to keep the area exactly the same. First, it is the center and heart of World Showcase. Any editing of the pavilion, in my opinion, would detract from the original message of World Showcase that the Imagineers dreamt up so many years ago. Plus, the American Adventure show is one of the best in all of Epcot. There would be no need to change anything that is already so good. The show itself may need some animatronic updates, but that would be all that I would do.

Regal Eagle Smokehouse is also a massive upgrade from Liberty Inn. Epcot needed a barbecue restaurant in the worst way, and the American Adventure pavilion is a great spot for it. Liberty Inn was another mediocre quick service restaurant. I have not personally had the food at Regal Eagle, but the reviews I have seen online are pretty positive. I love this entire pavilion, and there would be very little, if not anything, that I would change about it. 

Japan: Add a Bullet Train Roller Coaster

Throughout Disney lore, it seems like there have been countless ideas for what to do in the Japan pavilion. The following ideas have all been pitched for that space: a bullet train ride through the country, a roller coaster devoted to Mount Fuji, and a replication of the Tokyo Disneyland show Meet the World. My idea? Combine all three of these concepts into one.

This would most likely be the e-ticket attraction in all of World Showcase. A bullet train themed roller coaster in which you race through Japan. In my World Showcase, the ride is similar in layout to Rock 'n' Roller Coaster over in Hollywood Studios, with an over the shoulder layout and multiple launches throughout. Roller coaster technology has much improved since the days of Space Mountain and Expedition Everest, so the Imagineers have plenty of tools at their disposal. Also, the reason I chose not to do Mount Fuji is that I believe that would take away from the centerpiece of World Showcase, the American Adventure pavilion. Naturally, our eyes would go to that brand new mountain instead of what was intended. Even though the space behind the giant doors was meant for Meet the World, there would be too many theater shows consecutively in World Showcase. This theory would be supported even more when you travel to the next country.

Morocco Pavilion: Arabian Nights Circle-Vision Show

Morocco could be one of the best pavilions in all of World Showcase. As of right now, there is so much space behind Restaurant Marrakesh, Disney would have no problem fitting a ride or show of some kind there. I have something else planned for that space, so I do not want to take up too much space behind Morocco.

To make up for that, I think Morocco can hold a Circle-Vision theater themed something along the lines to the Arabian Nights. You can even use an IP to help here (Aladdin is the first one that comes to mind). In the China pavilion, Circle-Vision does not take up too much space. It's very compact and can still host a large audience. I'm thinking the exact same thing for Morocco. As far as the restaurants in that space go, Disney just took control over those, so there will most likely be sweeping changes anyway. Let Disney handle that, and I will handle the entertainment.

Brazil: Churrascaria Restaurant, No Ride or Show

Over the years, there have been countless rumors of when Brazil will be added to World Showcase. Depending on who you ask, it's a "when", not an "if". A common theory is that Brazil will slot in right between Germany and Italy. That's possible, but even then it seems like it will be too tight to squeeze in. Instead, I'm putting it behind Morocco. That's right. A themed Carnivale walkway will take you right into the Brazil pavilion, slotted behind Restaurant Marrakesh and the Arabian Nights theater.

However, this will come with a slight cost. Brazil will be the only section of my new World Showcase to not feature an attraction of any kind. There will be no show or ride, at least to start. Restaurants, on the other hand, are a different story. Disney is missing a churrascaria on property. There is a Fogo de Chao on International Drive, but that does not encompass the full Disney experience. You could theme it to certain Disney characters, or you could just have a standard Brazilian restaurant. To me, that would become the next must get reservation in Epcot, even over the Chinese buffet.

France: Remove the Beauty and the Beast Sing Along 

In the real world of Disney, there is so much work going on right now in the France pavilion. The area is currently under construction as we speak. Although my druthers would have just Impressions de France and no Ratatouille ride, I'm not going to tear down a massive project that Disney has worked on for years.

Does Remy's Ratatouille Adventure fit in my mold of World Showcase? No. It does not teach people about the country of France. However, with Impressions de France remaining in my version, you can afford to have an IP-based attraction in this space. Plus, the kids will need something in World Showcase to look forward to. After going through bullet trains, Roman Coliseum shows and Arabian Nights, France can be the pavilion that young visitors may look to the most. With that said, the Beauty and the Beast Sing Along seems like overkill. Kids will already look forward to Ratatouille, so there's little need for a sing along if there's already one theater show and an attraction.

Another thing that will not change in France is the dining. I like the split restaurant concept with Les Chefs de France and Monsieur Paul. Les Halles is a great grab and go stop in the back of the area. Add onto that an ice cream shop, and France has a deep lineup of food options. Oh, and there's going to be a creperie added to the space within the next year or so. A weaker area of Epcot just got a whole lot stronger.

United Kingdom: Build a Thames River Cruise

To me, it is incredible that Disney thinks there is space behind United Kingdom. This is another area of Epcot where I feel like there is not much room to change much. However, I began to realize something. If Disney is willing to add another area to the pavilion (or remove one) to make room for a Mary Poppins attraction, then the Thames River Cruise that was conceived before the park open could make sense. 

In my Epcot, this would be one of the most unique rides in all of Walt Disney World. Why is that? The Thames River Cruise would be the first ride that leaves the park and comes back in. With the International Gateway and that waterway nearby, that would be some of the boat ride resides. If Disney wanted to, they could also increase the amount of time the Thames River Cruise is outside the park by having some of the ride in Crescent Lake.The bridge on that walkway would be the spot where it turns back into the main pavilion and the station. It would also give Epcot Resorts guests who walk into Epcot a taste of what they are going to experience upon going through the security gate. Disney would have to move the boat launch on the International Gateway back, but I think they would make this sacrifice if it means another experience in World Showcase.

I figured I should note that Rose and Crown would not change, nor would any of the other dining in the United Kingdom section of the park. Yorkshire County has some of the best fish and chips I have ever had. Also, I have heard nothing but great things about Rose and Crown. I have yet to eat there myself, but if it is getting these rave reviews, then why change something that is already so well-received?

Canada: Add a Quick-Service Restaurant and More Shopping

For the last stop on World Showcase, Canada seems like there's not enough to do in the area. Despite this, it has a Circle-Vision theater show and my favorite restaurant in World Showcase. As much as I would love to add something to make Canada pop, the things that I would add are already there.

What Canada does have is a severe lack of shopping and other dining. There's only one lodge there that hosts all of the themed items available for purchase. It always seems crowded and congested there, so I would expand the shopping options. Furthermore, even though Le Cellier is amazing, there needs to be more options for people who are not willing to drop the cash. Disney Springs has a place called The Daily Poutine, which serves various amounts of poutine, complete with wild and wacky flavors. I would move that over to Canada, where it would be an instant hit. It's a win win, because that means Disney Springs now has an empty space for another retailer or restaurant.

Just like that, my version of Epcot is complete. Walt Disney said that the parks are never finished, they are always under construction. With Epcot, a park based on the future, he could not be more right. Epcot will never be complete, nor will it ever be perfect. Everybody has their different visions of the parks, and this one is mine. A little bit of the past, a little bit of the present, and a little bit of the future.

I want to thank everybody for reading this two part series about my favorite Disney park. If you want to go back and read Part 1 where I fix Future World, I will link that below.

Thank you so much for taking this journey to Epcot with me, and I will see you real soon!

Photo Credits:

Mexico Pavilion:


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