
Showing posts from July, 2020

My Top 10 Favorite Game Shows of All Time

It's human nature to love competition. Come on, don't lie to yourselves. You feel joy and pride whenever you overcome any form of odds, whether it be against someone else or you're competing against yourselves. In recent times, there is still competition even with a lack of sports on television. We are fighting an invisible enemy. Competition is just a part of American culture. You know what else is a part of American culture? Game shows! I would be lying if I said I wasn't a game show nut. Whenever I watch *insert game show here*, I always picture myself standing at that podium, making decisions that can make or break me. Even as a kid, game shows fascinated me. I watched ones from all sorts of decades, from the 50s scandals to the modern day ones such as Don't and Million Dollar Mile. I thought this would make a perfect Top 10. Which game shows do I love the most? Some of these will be programs you might have heard of, others, not so much. Worth noting a couple of